lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008
The Creature: The corruption of the good Savage.
The corruption of the good savage was acquired through the society and his creator because all people and his creator discriminated him just appearance not for his felt. Society itself which was supposed to be good was actually ignorant. The monster was full of love for humanity and nature at his creation (he saved a girl from drowning in a river while in the forest) but was turned to a life of evil and hardship by outside forces beyond his control. Frankenstein was isolated, due to the incomprehension of the scary society, which was not able to understand such a horrifying thing and can not deal with it because of the fear of the different, also he had to act for the society like an animal for his hideous appearance, because the society treated like a monster not as a human. The monster knew absolutely nothing when he first begins to exist and yet in a very short amount of time can walk, talk, read, write, and think logically (He learnt to read, write, and talk from the DeLacey family).The Monster moved according to his thoughts instead his actions; his thoughts were stronger than his movements. Frankenstein was a misunderstood and persecuted but otherwise good and gentle "noble savage" and freak creation of science. He often felt represented by nature, because nature is the purest thing in life, nature can't be "corrupted" by people's mind. He got to know how he was created, as he had a book containing the chronicles of the experiments that lead to his creation. The reading, though, made him lose his emergent faith in humanity. Therefore, he was against Victor to take revenge, and in seek of getting a life as any other being. The monster, in despite of all, he decided to stay with his creator, his father, so in certain way he returned to his nature, the man who gave him life. After all, he was good enough for the rest of us.
domingo, 28 de octubre de 2007
Michelle Bachelet The first woman President of chile

Michelle Bachelet was born in Santiago,Chile on September 29, 1951. he second child of archaeologist Ángela Jeria Gómez and Air-Force Brigadier General Alberto Bachelet Martinez. Much of Bachelet's childhood years were spent traveling around Chile, moving with her family from one military base to another. She studied in primary school in Quintero, Cerro Moreno Antofagasta and San Bernardo. In 1979 graduated from secondary school in Liceo Nº 1 Javiera Carrera. In 1970 Michelle studied medicine at U. de Chile From 1975-1979.
When Augusto Pinochet came to power in the Septiember 11, 1973. General Bachelet, refusing exile, was detained under charges of treason. On March 12, 1974, he suffered a cardiac arrest that resulted in his death. In 1975 Michelle Bachelet was in exile with her mother in Australia and Germany, where she completed her education as a pediatrician. In 1979 Michelle Bachelet returned home. In 1982 she completed her medical training at the University of Chile. In 1990 Michelle Bachelet joined the West Santiago Health Service and the National AIDS Commission. She studied military strategy at Chile's National Academy of Strategy and Policy and at the Inter-American Defense College in the United States. In March 1994 she became Senior Assistant to the Deputy Health Minister and a year later was named to the Socialist Party Central Committee. She got married to Jorge Dávalos, but now she is separated from her husband. She has three children,Sebastian, Francisca and Sofía.
In 2000, Michelle Bachelet became Chile's Minister of Health, serving under socialist, also she was the first woman in Chilean and Latin American history to hold the Defense portfolio, under government of Ricardo Lagos.
In late 2004, following a surge of her popularity in opinion polls, Bachelet was asked to become the Socialists' candidate for the presidency. On October 1, of that year she was freed from her government post in order to begin her campaign and to help the Concertación at the municipal elections. On January 15, 2006 when she presented for president, Michelle Bachelet won 53.51 percent of the vote while Sebastian Pinera, her rival for the presidency, won 46.48 percent, according to official results.
On March 11, 2006 Michelle Bachelet was sworn in as President of the Republic of Chile.
Finally as we knew, Chile has a woman in the government!
viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2007

The conflict between nature and nurture are very important in the story because we could realize than the monster had to act for the society like an animal for his hideous appearance, because the society treated like a monster not as a human. He must into hiding for people never see him. He ate, slept and acted like an animal, through these actions he is responding to his natural needs for examples he fed and shelter. But the most important was the nurture because the monster could think through teaching that he learnt through the DeLacey family, he watched to them and he learnt how to speak, read, write. Also he learnt about friendship, family and love, all this thing he received from them. He had an intelligent thought, here when the family saw him and he was a monster for them he realized that he didn’t belong to that world, and he thought that he had to had a women same like him because she could be one that could understand him. He needed to have somebody beside him just like other being normal but it was impossible because he knew that through of experience that he didn’t love and all people until his creator discriminated him just appearance not for his heart, and when he realized his mind was perverse and began to kill. The nurture was true that the only way the monster had a self consciousness was through the experience he had felt through the observation of the DeLacey family.
domingo, 19 de agosto de 2007
1960's Earthquake of Valdivia

the major earthquaker known in history world, was in chile. It was in Valdivia May 22th, 1960. Its magnitude was 8,5. It affect mostly the cities of Valdivia and Puerto Montt. The victims were not a lot, because before they knew that this could happen, so they were prepared, but they never though it will be so huge. However two thousand people died three thousand were hurt and two millions lost their houses for earthquake and then by tidal wave. It was worse because its waves of twenty five meters devastated the coasts of chile and Perú. they were propagated from the epicentre to more of three hundred kilometres. Valdivia earthquake yet persist in the mind of people. After the earthquaker the people moved away rivers and they prefered to go on hills as if they knew what happen next, but not all did that. Later inevitable thing came, the gigantic wave of twenty five meters of height triumphed with everything what one was finding under its level. The waves incresed valdivia rivers and attack over industrial zone it made huge damage and leaving ruins that are visible until today, and then it moved back towards the sea going boats, launches with people and includes houses with people asked help inside. The sea never comeback their. The precipices blocked the rivers that were threatening to provoke floods and new tragedies. Thank with to help of people it was not worse. It prevented that this happened saving the city of major misfortunes. Athought valdivia lost a lot thing with the earthquaker, the city was rebuilt and today it is one of the most beautiful city of Chile. There are two thing than kept in memory of earthquake that we can see a brewery and a ship sunk in the middle of the river. When there is a earthquaker exist something that we can do for save our life, but we can not do anything for prevent earthquake. Well this are the thing than i found for you for save us:
1- The firstly we never lost the calm, because we do not think and this is very dangerous.
2- we must stay in our house and protect us inside.
3- We must put under the door, because it is safe, is very difficul this part down.
4- we must move away the wall.
5- We never must run off the street, because We can found us with a lot people desperate and there are a lot thing than can fall over us.
1- The firstly we never lost the calm, because we do not think and this is very dangerous.
2- we must stay in our house and protect us inside.
3- We must put under the door, because it is safe, is very difficul this part down.
4- we must move away the wall.
5- We never must run off the street, because We can found us with a lot people desperate and there are a lot thing than can fall over us.
lunes, 28 de mayo de 2007
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